一.Current Disaggregated Report新式商品分類報告,這是商品類的部份,包含金屬、能源、農產品。
二.Current Traders in Financial Futures Reports新式金融期貨交易人報告,簡稱TFF Report,是金融類的部份。包含外匯、債券、股價指數。
一.我們先看新式商品分類報告Current Disaggregated Report,以小麥簡表爲例,如下圖:
原舊式報告中的“Commercial”分類在新式的分類報告Current Disaggregated Report中拆為兩項:一為Producer/Merchant/Processor/User生産商/貿易商/加工企業/用戶,二為Swap Dealers互換交易商,如以下解說:
在這個報告中,比較有參考性的是Managed Money,我們會把Long 58681減Short 85778=-27097口,代表Managed Money看空小麥。當美元指數不斷上漲時,Managed Money看空小麥也不是沒有道理。
A “producer/merchant/processor/user” is an entity that predominantly engages in the production,processing, packing or handling of a physical commodity and uses the futures markets to manage or hedge risks associated with those activities.
2.Swap Dealers互換交易商
A “swap dealer” is an entity that deals primarily in swaps for a commodity and uses the
futures markets to manage or hedge the risk associated with those swaps transactions. The swap dealer’s counterparties may be speculative traders, like hedge funds, or traditional commercial clients that are managing risk arising from their dealings in the physical commodity.
互換交易商,可能國內市場較不熟悉。不過你可能有讀過一些衍生性商品的書,裡面會提到Swap Contract,中文翻做「掉期合約」。可以參考選擇權的聖經John C. Hull所寫的書。「掉期合約」最常應用在債券市場的利率交換,浮動利率換成固定利率。簡單來說,例如銀行對外發行了黃金的多頭商品,那麽要對沖風險時,銀行必須到期貨市場放空。這部份也包含在舊式報告中的商業(Commercial)分類裡。
3.Managed Money資産管理機構
A “money manager,” for the purpose of this report, is a registered commodity
trading advisor (CTA); a registered commodity pool operator (CPO); or an unregistered fund identified by CFTC.7 These traders are engaged in managing and conducting organized futures trading on behalf of clients.
解讀:舊式的報告中的投機者(Non-Commercial)部位,在新式報告中顯示為資産管理機構(Money managers),例如CTAs(Commodity Trading Advisor,商品交易顧問,例如國泰有代理的MAN基金)、CPOs(Commodity Pool Operator,商品合夥經紀人,通常雇用多用CTA做交易),和避險基金。另一類則是其它的投機者。
指的是:同時持有多單與空單。這篇文章寫過:2009.08.27 CFTC(舊式報告)中英對照補充資料1/Job